
Coconala is a skills matching platform that aims to create a system that allows everyone to pursue their passion. In view of this, we would like to share some of the core ideas that are important to us at coconala.

Our first idea is to “offer opportunities to everyone.” We hope to create a world in which anyone can be an active part of society and stay connected to it at any time as long as they have the individual will to do so. Coconala is committed to providing value to every user including skill providers from professionals to amateurs, as well as private users and corporate customers on the receiving end of these skills.

Our second idea is to ensure “freedom from restrictions.” People encounter various constraints in their lives including where they live and the time they have to pursue their passion, as well as changes in their personal circumstances as they encounter certain milestones in life such as retirement, marriage, childbirth, or setting up a personal business. However, we believe that as long as someone has the right opportunities and is connected to people with a diverse range of different values, they are free to pursue what they wish to achieve. We firmly believe in the potential of each individual and we will harness the power of technology to eliminate all such barriers.

Our final idea is to “make fair dealing a reality.” In the course of participating in various matching activities online, the varying levels of information and literacy possessed by each individual may sometimes compromise fair dealing. However, we are committed to setting up a system that can be utilized with peace of mind for any kind of transaction. By offering the necessary support and ensuring that information is visualized, coconala hopes to create an environment where every user can easily obtain the information they need and negotiate with others on equal terms.

The world is becoming increasingly diverse in the way individuals and society are connected, and people can now live their preferred way of life more freely than ever before. Coconala continues to believe in the full potential of everyone and will offer you the necessary support so that we can be a reliable partner that makes it possible for you to live “your own story”.