Environmental Policy

As a skill-sharing platform that matches people online, we help preserve the global environment by reducing unnecessary paper use and transportation. In addition, regarding climate change as the most important, imminent issue that everyone needs to address, we strive to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities by promoting energy conservation efforts and renewable energy use.

Climate Change Initiatives

Product/Service Characteristics and Environmental Contribution

Climate Change Initiatives

Our business centers on coconala, a skills marketplace for buying and selling services based on individuals’ knowledge, skills and experience.
Since coconala is a completely online sales platform, we are contributing to climate change measures and waste reduction efforts by reducing the paper exchange and greenhouse gas emissions associated with physical movement for conventional face-to-face services. Furthermore, because our business is the operation and development of cloud services, our greenhouse gas emissions are primarily limited to the use of electricity in the office. In light of these factors, we believe that replacing existing services with our services will not only enhance our corporate value but also help to reduce environmental impact.