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代表取締役会長 南章行 代表取締役社長CEO 鈴木歩

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you, our shareholders, for your continued support.

We set forth our vision of “Building a world where each of us can live ‘our own story,’” and to empower individuals by providing a platform that visualizes their knowledge, skills, and experience, and connects them to all people that require them, we expand our business, primarily the skills matching platform “coconala” that markets services and positions.
The resulting entity established in 2012 by our founder, seeking to “empower individuals,” was Coconala.
In this age, where there has never been greater uncertainty regarding life’s future for individuals, all our employees have carried the company forward together, sharing our unwavering philosophy since our foundation of wishing to create a new infrastructure to enable everyone to live in their own way .

Recently, the goals of “accelerating actions by demonstrating the potential of individuals and by strengthening bonds” and “realizing a society where all individuals everywhere can shine and achieve prosperity” have been promoted by the Japanese government as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) action plan.
As Coconala has been sharing those exact same goals, we continuously aim to strive to realize a society where individuals can shine through our efforts of our business promotion.

We have been listed on the Mothers Index (current: the Growth Market Index) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange since March 2021. We have developed products and invested into marketing while utilizing capital markets since the time that we were unlisted with the belief that we should not generate short-term profits, but that maximizing value for users in the long term equals maximizing corporate value.
Going forward, we believe that by continuing to aim for the long-term maximization of value for users, we will expand medium- to long-term total profit output, which will sustainably enhance corporate value.

In order to carry out “sustainable generation of corporate value” for shareholders and investors, we will continue to take on challenges while remaining disciplined and without wavering from our goal of realizing our vision.
I would like to ask that you continue to support us in our endeavors.

coconala Inc.
Chief Executive Officer Ayumu Suzuki